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Jonathon Titolo

South Piedmont Community College Associate in Science Capstone ePortfolio

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” – T.S. Eliot

Hello!  Welcome to my ePortfolio!  My name is Jonathon Titolo, and I am a senior at Union County Early College and a proud student of South Piedmont Community College.  The purpose of my portfolio is to share information about who I am and what I have learned over the past few years. 


From a young age, I had always strived to overcome any challenges that I faced.  I never took the easy route and would do anything in my power to learn something new.  Any given chance, I would push myself further and further to test my capabilities.  From this, I have learned the power of motivation and thirst for knowledge. I have also learned that I am able to handle much more than I could have ever imagined.


Throughout this portfolio, you will see lots of mountainous settings.  Though I am one to enjoy mountains, I chose these settings to be symbolic.  Although being amazing sights, mountains have another way of being conveyed as challenges that we need to face and overcome. Through this portfolio, I hope to share the challenges I've endured, in order to enjoy the beautiful sights of the valleys down below.


I hope you will take the time to review the rest of my site and enjoy "learning" about all of my experiences of learning.  Thank you.

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